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Ocean at Sunset


embrace the good energy

good energy club creates serene experiences to embrace stillness, foster connection, and restore harmony within communities, teams, and individuals.

We create transformative experiences designed to restore balance and connect mind, body, and spirit.

our events

rest & reset retreat

An elevated, all-inclusive retreat, featuring a full vegan menu, yoga, sound healing, energy work, lifestyle workshops and spa & wellness treatments. Part spiritual reset, part indulgent escape. Full reset.

Women practicing yoga
Group practicing meditation and yoga

good energy club experience 

A 1-2 hour wellness journey through movement, meditation, sound healing, and acupuncture or qigong to promote deep relaxation and positive energy within teams & groups.

heal fest

The first event of its kind, Heal Fest offers guests a journey through mini-sessions of various energy healings—each crafted to promote relaxation, inner peace, and personal transformation. A variety of modalities in one unforgettable day.

Sound bowl

are you ready?

fill out the form below to sign up for the latest updates and receive good energy right in your inbox. 

Group posing for picture near fire pits
Beach Picnic
The Rest and Reset Retreat was everything I needed and more. 48 hours to clear my mind, enjoy nature, be amongst like-minded women and professionals in their field to guide me through a spiritual journey. 

jamie k.

I returned fully recharged, came back to my family with a better attitude & appreciation for everything and felt better in my body. It was so special and I look forward to experiencing a good energy club event again!

sarah s.

I brought one of my besties and we had an amazing experience starting from the very beginning. All three days of the retreat were completely balanced between workshops, meals, spa treatments and relaxation

kristen a.

real people, real experiences

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